The European Certificate (CEPP)

The school is accredited by the ECPP (Confédération Européenne de Psychothérapie Psychanalytique) for the European Certiificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

Prerequisites :

  • Bachelor’s degree (Bac+3) in human sciences preferred (or equivalent)
  • Resume
  • Interview and level assessment
  • 5 years of training + 1 year of dissertation writing (50 to 60 pages) and speaking in front of a jury + 3 additional intensive weeks
  • 250 sessions of individual and/or group psychoanalytic psychotherapy (with attestation)
  • 300 hours of supervised practice
  • 150 hours of individual or group supervision (at least 2 supervisors)
  • 300 hours of internships in institution (hospitals, clinics, medical centers) and/or outpatient clinics

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